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Cultivating a Deeper Connection: Enhancing Your Walk with Jesus in Prayer

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of tranquility and spiritual nourishment can be a challenge. Yet, amidst the chaos, fostering a strong relationship with Jesus through prayer can bring solace, guidance, and renewal to our souls. If you seek to enrich your spiritual journey and deepen your connection with the divine, consider these insightful ways to grow your walk with Jesus through prayer.

I would like to invite you to join me in my weekly Monday Truth letters, where we seek truth and grow together in Christ.

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Hey Woman of Truth,

How’s your week going? I hope you’re feeling refreshed after a long weekend. As we step into the crisp, new season of fall, I can’t help but think of you—and that thought brings me joy. I’m writing to bring a message of hope to you, the woman who seeks truth but might be feeling a little lost right now. Whether you’re battling insecurities, pain from the past, or just feeling unsure of where you stand, I want you to know this: God sees you. Even better, He knows your name.

Let me take you back for a moment. I remember those school days when the teacher was about to call roll. For a few years during my childhood, my stomach would sink, and I’d feel like I might lose consciousness. I’m not entirely sure why I struggled with this for so long, but the anticipation of hearing my name brought a strange kind of weight with it.

The teacher would call out name after name before mine, giving me time to muster the courage to say, "Here" or "Present." Yet, despite that preparation, the moment still felt overwhelming, as if my response carried more significance than it should have. Looking back now, I can laugh at how I would glance around the room at my classmates—some responding confidently, others seeming completely unaware, almost as if they’d forgotten their own names.

In those moments, I’d wonder, Are you really here? How can you not know your name?

But isn’t it interesting how our walk with Christ can sometimes resemble this experience? We might be in the room, but are we truly present when He calls our name? Some seasons, we’re alert and courageous, ready to answer His call. Other times, we’re like my younger self—full of fear and apprehension. Or perhaps we’re too far away, too distracted, to notice when God is calling us.

I’ve been in all three places. It makes me think of Adam and Eve, our spiritual parents, who were asked, “Where are you?” in the Garden of Eden. God hadn’t misplaced them, but in their pursuit of something beyond the security and promises He offered, they became distant, separated by fig leaves and the desires of the flesh. Yet, God’s heart remained compassionate, slow to anger, and full of love.

We have the choice to be present with God in our daily walk. My hope for you is that you can approach Him with confidence, fully present in His presence.

Three Powerful Methods to Connect with God

Fasting: Sometimes we need a fresh encounter with God to reignite our sense of belonging and purpose. Fasting—whether for 1-3 days or even 7 days—can offer a spiritual reset, drawing us closer to the Father’s heart.

Writing: When we take the time to write out our thoughts, emotions, and frustrations, we gain clarity about where we are mentally and spiritually. This process allows us to bring our burdens to the Father, who lifts them and replaces them with His truth. You’ll feel refreshed, free from guilt and shame.

Reading: Reading God’s promises with an open and believing heart helps us evaluate where we stand each day. Are we present, distant, or apprehensive? The Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105), guiding us through our decisions and connections. Let God’s promises illuminate your way this week.

Remember, God’s heart is for you. It’s good news to know that your name is on His roll.


Dear God,

Help your daughter to be a woman of truth, one who seeks You in both the known and the unknown. Give her the courage to be present, to take risks in faith, and to trust in Your promises. Strengthen her heart and fill her with the assurance that Your promises are good and true. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Servant girl,


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