God's Loving Heart

Hey Woman of Truth,
How’s your week? I hope it's off to a good start. As we are ending a week. We get to look over all the goodness our Father has carried us through each day. One thing I am trying to grow into is adjustment of time. Yeah, it’s being fall, there is a new season with a new time. But timing I’m adjusting to is not my will but the will of my Father’s timing.
It’s interesting and is a gift in itself how God’s timing is not ours, but it is a timing set apart for his daughters. God knows the best and He keeps us it a place of not being confused but a place where we can run to our father’s Prescence in the waiting. Where we get to see His glory and become one with him.
I am not a person that enjoy waiting. I get anxious and lose sight of my purpose. Because well to be honest I lose hope. I usually find myself not placing it in what is sustains me. Instead, I place in things that drains me and does not lead to a purposeful driven life.
It was until I got tired and needed an answer that felt as was understandable to my situation in life. It was all along about placing my hope in Christ. A place where love dwell and He remain faithful even when we may want it another way. Although I may be singing a tune of Frank Sinatra's “I want it My Way” to my Father. But in truth our way sees only in part, and it does not give us the best way to live.
The place where we get to hold the father’s hand and contend for the fight with a simple surrender. Where’s it is to take up my cross and die to my wants and desires.
I have found in the wait I place my hope in my Father, and not myself.
Waiting is difficult discipline but it required of God’s daughters but there are blessings await us far that we can ever imagine.
What are waiting on, can I pray for you?
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