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Incorporating Divine Guidance in Your Life Plans

Hey Woman of Truth,

Do you enjoy planning? Are you the person who plans a week, a month, or maybe even a year ahead in a day’s time? Planning can be an adventure.

The key to planning isn’t so much the amount of planning, but how you plan. Are you planning with God, sis? Are you sitting before Him and asking, God, what do You have in mind for this month, week, or even today?

Our quiet time gives us one of the greatest opportunities to experience one of the greatest plans of our life.

Without God in it, you could be missing your purpose. I want you to live your purpose out. The best way for you and I to get closer to the dreams God has for us is by asking our Father first. It can be easy to quickly plan a trip or try a new hobby, but it’s always in our best interest to place everything in the Father’s hands first.

He knows best.

As we have entered February, I hope you’ve already experienced the love of God for you. God loves you. He wants to show you His best plans for this season of your life. So, how do we know if we’re planning on our own or if we’ve made plans with God in mind?

It’s a 1-2-3 step process. You ask, then you ask, and you keep asking the Father.

God’s plans are a day-to-day process, building us to become the Woman of Truth He calls us to be. It’s not something we can do on our own, which is why I emphasize asking Him daily. Why? Because I don’t want you to miss the big picture of the plan God has for you this year. Sometimes it can be frustrating because the plans God has for His daughters may require taking risks or doing something you’re not interested in.

But trust me, what He’s asking of you is worth it. Mistakes may happen, but that doesn’t mean it’s a downward spiral to failure. It simply means asking and trying again. It pleases Him when He sees we are after His heart and going after the promises He has spoken over His daughters.

So, get to it if you haven’t started yet. This is your sign to believe again, go for it, and watch it come to pass in God’s timing.

Let me pray for you:

Father, we pray for Your God-sized plans. Help us to acknowledge where You want us to go this year. Remove the distractions, laziness, and discouragement that may be harboring in our hearts. We ask for Your fresh wind to give us the courage to press on toward what You are calling us to, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

His servant,


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