Living with Expectation, Not Just to Please

Hey Woman of Truth,
Living with expectation rather than simply to please was a lesson I had to learn—one that transformed my faith. It’s a shift many of God’s daughters find challenging. We're so good at pleasing others, but when it comes to expecting good things for ourselves, we often close our hearts to the possibility God has something just for us.
I get it.
I’ve had my fair share of disappointments, and it seemed easier to focus on doing my best to please God and keep others happy. But eventually, truth woke me up. When we stop expecting and live only to please, life can feel routine—like going through the motions. I believe that saddens God. He takes delight in seeing His daughters live with hearts full of faith and hope, expecting His goodness in every area.
So, I’ll ask you: What are you expecting? Have you given up, or do you still believe God can move in your life? Expecting great things doesn’t mean everything goes perfectly, but it opens the door for new opportunities and fresh beginnings. When we live expectantly, we’re not just surviving each day—we’re anticipating the amazing things God is working on our behalf.
What are you living for if you’re not expecting something beautiful to unfold?
You were made for more than just going through the motions. God is waiting to meet your highest expectations.
God, give your daughter a heart of expectancy. Ignite her faith to believe in you that you can do the impossible. We thank you for trusting us with the dreams and plans you have given us. Give your daughter a heart to believe and not doubt. Fill her heart with hope, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Servant girl,
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