You Don’t Have to Sit in Your Sadness

Hey Woman of Truth,
Have you ever set in a presence of a loved one where it wasn’t much talking but your heart radiated with joy. There smile, there personal scent and of course their laughter brought the peace you needed in that movement.
God’s presence is like that too, but every day. God wants us to enjoy his presence. It shouldn’t put it off or make it as a duty but a relationship we delight in. In the rush of the holidays where emotional wheel will rise and sink. Keep your eyes on God. Invite His presence into your circumstances.
Yes, it can be as if you may not can find how to embrace your Father. But it is just a simple yes, I take this time to be with you.
It does not have to be a conversation maybe you need to be still and remember who God is.
For anyone feeling alone or missing a loved one this season, here’s a prayer just for you:
Dear God,
Give your daughters strength to know sadness do not have the final say in their story. Let them find their satisfaction in you. give them your heart to see the beauty of who you are. Give them strength to know you are with them in this season. a new day awaits your daughter. I pray that their hearts believe it, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Servant girl,
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